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Child Equipping

Through the praise of children and infants you have established a STRONGHOLD against your enemies, to SILENCE the foe and the avenger. - Psalm 8:2

Child Equipping for God's Kingdom

Join Kids' Signs and Wonders Camp for New England

Pray with us and work together for revival on Saturdays

Lion of Judah
68 Northampton St.
Boston, MA
9 am to 11am Saturdays. Ask for Bruce. Please call us for additional arrangements or for more information.

Who are we?

Signs and Wonders Camp is a non-denominational, evangelical, Bible-based ministry fully committed to upholding Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and developing children in their talents gifts and abilities to change the world.

What you can do:
  • Call Bruce at (617) 825-2000 and consider working with us.
  • Read our Plan for World Revival
  • Print this page unaltered and keep passing it around. Multiply your efforts by getting others to do the same (i.e. 'viral' discipleship!).
  • Help to spread the word online: Bookmark and 

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  • Motivate other people to work together with us to equip children and be ready for the coming of the Lord.

Child Equipping sponsored by World Revival Copyright (C) 2017 and can be used unaltered
without permission as long as this copyright credit is properly displayed and web links to Child Equipping are included on websites or blogs, etc.